An Affiliate Program is an important way to drive traffic to
your site.The shopping cart provides a simple affiliate system.
The steps to implement it would be:
1. Find sites that are willing put a link to you on their web site.
2. Create an affiliate link for that site. For every unique domain you will
advertise on, you will need to ‘Add a new Affiliate’ code in order to track
You will see a screen like this:

The first affiliate is ‘hobbyshop’, and a second affiliate is being added:
toyreview. Assume the Name of Source: hobbyshop is for If hobbyshop agrees to
place a link on their site for, we could send them the
‘Sample link url’ . That would link directly into the shopping cart. Notice
though, the column is titled ‘Sample link url’, so there are a number a links
that could be sent, the ONLY NECESSARY PORTION OF THE LINK is
‘source=hobbyshop’; the first variable after a page name is preceeded by a ?,
everyone after that is preceeded by an &. For instance, if we know that the
hobbyshop visitors are really interested in Electric Trains, then maybe a more
appropriate link would be:
So, the link above is directly to the ‘Train Sets’ category in the shop (Click
here for information about obtaining links from the cart).
3. Have the link placed on the affiliate site.
4. When you receive an order, and you view the order in the View Pending
Orders section, the Affiliate code will be at the bottom of the page:
5. Send the agreed upon commission to the affiliate.
Additionally, the shopping cart can work with affiliate software
provided by outside vendors. Normally the process involves having a coded image
displayed on the shopping cart confirmation page. The field for inserting the
HTML for this is on the shop/owner General Settings page
Affiliate program top.