
Shop Newsletter


A shopping cart newsletter is an important part of your marketing mix. Use
your shopping cart newsletter, and this newsletter management, to keep your
customers up to date on your shop and offer them valuable


so they will be encouraged to shop with you again.


1. This is strictly an Opt-In newsletter. You customers choose to be added to
future newsletters the first time they checkout.

2. Precision Web offers a
newsletter script
that can be run outside the shopping cart in addition to
this one. You may find information about this in your Web Site Settings Email.


Once you have customers who have opted in to your list, you can go into the
Shop Owner’s panel and into the Shop Newsletter section. You will see something
similar to the following.


As you see, you may click on the ‘All
newsletter subscribers
‘ link to see what email addresses this will
newsletter will be sent to.

This is the message your customer would receive if the information to the
right was sent:


(click here for larger

You may send either a TEXT MESSAGE or an HTML MESSAGE. If you simply type in
text in the ‘Message Body:’, choose ‘Plain-text’ as is done here. If you
designed an HTML page, paste the complete HTML code in the ‘Message Body:’ field
and choose HTML.


Posted in: newsletter

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