
Shop Details

Shop Details Section
These are the company details seen in
your shop.

Manage > General Settings

(click here for larger image)

Contact Information

This section of your settings configures the contact information for your shop. 
You can choose to have this displayed at the bottom of the shop, and you can
also select a logo if so desired.

The "Shop Name" value is used in the subject line of the order confirmation
emails that are sent to your customers. It is also displayed on the Offline
Order form (the order form that shoppers would use if they want to mail or fax
in an order) if you have the offline order form enabled. It also shows up on the
shop/owner login page.

The address, phone, & fax values are displayed at the bottom of your shop pages.
However, if you have anything in the Custom Footer field, then only the Custom
Footer field HTML will be displayed; the text in address, phone & faxe
fields are ignored in that case. These values are also displayed on the offline
order form.

(click here for larger image)


The Administration Email address does not appear in your shop. This email is the
address where order confirmations are sent when someone purchases something from
your shop. It will also receive notifications concerning stock quantities if you
choose to have the shop monitor such things.

(click here for larger image)


The Currency Selection is simply the sign the shop will put before a price. Most
people will leave this as $.

Posted in: general_settings

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